ACC Recruitment Team

Meet Your Recruiter

十大靠谱赌博平台的招聘服务向您传达了我们学院提供的令人惊叹的教育机会. 每个招聘专家都致力于在我们的服务领域与您和其他学生建立牢固的联系. 我们邀请您与为您的学校或学习领域服务的招聘人员联系.

Nuoshi Culhane - Recruiting Specialist

Nuoshi Culhane

Recruiting Specialist – Round Rock Campus
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Nuoshi Culhane是ACC招聘服务部门的招聘专家. In this role, 诺石致力于帮助学生发现和探索学术途径,同时促进ACC申请流程. 她的热情在于传授知识,使学生能够在ACC实现他们的学术抱负. 他拥有明尼苏达大学双城分校环境研究学士学位. Outside of work, 她喜欢在餐厅发现新的烹饪体验,并在闲暇时间参与解谜活动.

Isabel Guillen - Recruiting Specialist

Isabel Guillen

Recruiting Specialist – Round Rock Campus
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Isabel Guillen是十大靠谱赌博平台的招聘专家. 伊莎贝尔热衷于帮助学生在学业上取得成功,创造更美好的未来,并通过提供有关学院的信息和协助申请过程,鼓励他们实现自己的教育目标. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting. Isabel enjoys cooking and baking for her family and friends. She finds the process relaxing and rewarding. On top of that, Isabel loves to attend self-development workshops.

Darric Ward - Recruiting Specialist

Darric Ward

Recruiting Specialist – Highland Campus
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Darric Ward是一名招聘人员,负责协助未来的学生完成ACC的申请流程, campus tours, and providing information at high school and community events. 他拥有Texas a大学商业研究学士学位&获得德克萨斯基督教大学教育学硕士学位. 他目前还在ACC的音频技术和工业课程上课. 作为一名招聘人员,他最喜欢的部分是成为新生的向导和导师. Priding himself as a lifelong learner, Darric is an excellent resource for students, providing a friendly and welcoming personality to all. 

Bryce Turner - Recruiting Specialist

Bryce Turner

Recruiting Specialist – Rio Grande Campus
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Bryce Turner is a Recruitment Specialist from Fort Worth, 拥有德州州立大学通讯与社会学学士学位. In his role at Austin Community College, 布莱斯大学帮助未来的学生追求更高的教育. 布莱斯热衷于促进社区参与,让所有人都能接受教育. Beyond his professional pursuits, 他在现场音乐的节奏和户外娱乐的冒险中找到乐趣. With a commitment to both individual growth and community well-being, 布莱斯·特纳在他的作品中融合了独特的沟通技巧和社会学见解, shaping educational journeys in the heart of Texas.

Jonathan Lara - Recruiting Specialist

Jonathan Lara

Jonathan Lara

Recruiting Specialist – Hays Campus
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乔纳森·拉拉(Jonathan Lara)是十大靠谱赌博平台的招聘专家. 乔纳森负责帮助学院发展,并协助未来学生可能遇到的任何申请问题. 乔纳森还负责确保学生在遇到有关大学的问题时感到被关注和被倾听. Jonathan is a former Riverbat as well, 在转到德州州立大学之前在ACC待了一年多. 他拥有体育科学学士学位,辅修公共卫生和传播学. As a first-generation student himself, 乔纳森努力确保来自各种背景的学生都能到达他们想去的地方.

Nhi Tien - Recruiting Specialist

Nhi Tien

Recruiting Specialist – Northridge Campus
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Nhi Tien is a Recruiting Assistant with Recruitment Services at ACC, holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. In her role, besides maintaining and updating records, 她积极支持并参与招聘专家的招聘访问, college fairs, 以及其他活动,向未来的学生介绍ACC的课程,并协助申请过程. 她在与来自不同背景的学生交流和互动中发现了巨大的乐趣, 确保他们在从高中过渡到大学教育的道路上有一个坚实的基础. 在空闲时间,她喜欢和家人一起探索新餐馆和读书.

Katie Gonzalez - Recruiting Assistant

Katie Gonzalez

Recruiting Assistant – South Austin Campus
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Katie Gonzalez is a Recruiting Assistant at the South Austin Campus. 凯蒂于2023年毕业于亚利桑那州立大学克朗凯特新闻学院,获得大众传播与媒体研究文学学士学位. 他们特别擅长与从未上过大学的潜在成人学习者建立联系, or those who are returning to higher education after a long break. 凯蒂相信支持所有学生,无论他们的背景如何,学习新技能永远不会太晚.

Helen Tonnu - Recruitment Manager

Helen Tonnu

Recruitment Manager

Helen Tonnu是十大靠谱赌博平台招生管理办公室的招聘经理. 致力于协助学生追求高等教育的理想, 海伦展现了她指导个人走向成功的热情. A proud Austinite and alumna of both ACC and UT, 她拥有亚洲研究文学学士学位,辅修历史. Outside of her professional endeavors, Helen finds solace in delving into personal development literature, 她最喜欢的书之一是詹姆斯·亨特的《网赌app》. 海伦热切地期待着有机会用奉献和同情来支持学生.

Vincent Bustillos - Recruitment Manager

Vincent Bustillos

Recruitment Manager

Vincent Bustillos grew up in El Paso, Texas, and began his higher education at El Paso Community College. 他在德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校(UTEP)获得了管理和市场营销的工商管理硕士学位。, where he was also a member of the UTEP Cheerleading team. Vincent has extensive experience in the private sector, particularly in sales and marketing for a local kombucha company. He has held various roles at Austin Community College (ACC), contributing significantly to its community and programs.

Michael Acosta, Ph.D. - Executive Dean

Michael Acosta, Ph.D.

Executive Dean, Enrollment Support Services

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